How to ask for help when you really need it
When you’re not doing well, it’s so hard to ask for help. Especially in the throes of big transition like new disability, grief or caregiving responsibilities, it can be hard to even sort out what you need.
To help you have these conversations, I made you a zine! If you haven’t heard of a zine before, a zine is a small-batch independent publication that are political, personal and/or art. This zine walks you through the process of asking for help so you can give this little zine to one of your loved ones.
Zines come in all shapes and sizes, but this one is made from one single printed page. In order to fold this printed page into a little booklet to share with your loved one, here’s a tutorial for how to fold it. The page “Love is a Verb” should be on the front.
You can get your own copy of this zine by signing up for my email list below!